WordPress maintenance services

Our specialty

We provide analysis, development and long-term support of WordPress websites. We are happy to take care of your project.

We back up your dataupdate your WordPress system, optimize SEOmonitor performance and respond to technical issues.

If you would like to take care of your WordPress project, or if you are not satisfied with your current IT support – contact us.

Are you looking for an experienced programming team? Let’s talk.
How we work
Perhaps you are not satisfied with the volume of customers gained through your website, the number of visits or the size of your online store sales.

Using our years of experience in web design, we will analyze the site and determine how you can improve its effectiveness.

– we will analyze SEO – the effectiveness in search engines

– we will look for errors

– analyze the speed of the website

– we will prepare a security report

All the problems we identify will be described in an accessible way and we will be able to fix them.

Why you should update WordPress

An out-of-date website is getting old. Every few weeks, code changes are published to improve the security of the application and adapt it to changing technical requirements. Sometimes new functionality is also added.

If updates are not performed for a long time, the current version of the software becomes less and less compatible with the running application. The service becomes vulnerable to attacks that exploit security vulnerabilities that would have been fixed during the update.

In addition, the application may perform worse and worse over time, as it becomes less compatible with the current technologies that Internet users use (for example, browser versions).

Why you should perform WordPress backups

Data loss is a rare event. Having an up-to-date (current day) backup turns a potential disaster into a temporary inconvenience.

Data loss can happen as a result of hostile software, the deliberate actions of third parties, due to mistakes or physical hardware failure.

The more business-critical the website, the greater the value of measures to prevent total data loss.

Why monitor WordPress security

We perform analysis of the application to reduce the risk of data interception by an attacker who exploits security vulnerabilities.

We analyze the security report and make the necessary corrections to the code.

The security of a website also depends on the behavior of its administrators and editors.

We analyze the ways of accessing the application and the mistakes made in the process of logging in, transferring passwords, etc., and create recommendations to eliminate security risks.

Let's talk
Jakub Kozak
Jakub Kozak
Co-founder, Head of technology
Are you in need of an experienced programming team? Let's have a conversation.
Smultron Web Development
12 Slawkowska Street
31-014 Krakow, Poland
TAX ID: PL6762482785
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