WCAG 2.1

Our specialty

With the dynamic advancement of technology, ensuring equal access to online content for all users is becoming increasingly important. Our services include designing websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing and functional but also meet the highest standards of online accessibility, providing a comprehensive experience for every visitor.

Are you looking for an experienced programming team? Let’s talk.
Why it’s worth it

Adapting a website to WCAG 2.1 guidelines is more than just meeting legal requirements. It extends the reach of your audience, enhances brand reputation, improves search engine rankings, saves costs, and ensures a positive user experience. Our services encompass a comprehensive process of design, development, testing, and support, ensuring full compliance and effectiveness for your website.

Why Smultron?
We are committed to helping our clients achieve their business objectives. Our team excels in delivering scalable and high-quality industry solutions that are precisely tailored to meet user needs. Our expertise spans various sectors, including business, healthcare, e-commerce, tourism, media, and education. We pride ourselves on our swift and effective implementation of projects utilizing Angular, Vue.js, and WordPress technologies.
Years on the market
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Countries where we operate
Let's talk
Jakub Kozak
Jakub Kozak
Co-founder, Head of technology
Are you in need of an experienced programming team? Let's have a conversation.
Smultron Web Development
12 Slawkowska Street
31-014 Krakow, Poland
TAX ID: PL6762482785
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